Richard Law Firm, PA's Memorial Day Fundraiser.

I had actually decided I wanted to do something to raise money for The Wounded Warrior Project a few weeks ago, but decided to wait to announce it until we were closer to the month of May in order to coincide with Memorial Day. I think it's a great organization, and this was an easy way for me to help a group I feel we owe so much. 

In light of the recent events in Baltimore I am even more motivated to start this campaign. What does Baltimore have to do with a private persons random decision to raise money for The Wounded Warrior Project? Well, I'll just hop right on my little soap box and tell you. It all started when I heard a "demonstrator" attempt to justify his actions by saying it was his "right" to do so. ???

As we all know, our freedoms and justice system created to protect them were not free. They were paid for at a very high price. That price was paid for by the death of countless men and woman who sacrificed absolutely everything for those freedoms. The looters and rioters of Baltimore depredating their city under some ridiculously delusional notion that it's their right under freedom of speech, that they have no other avenue to be heard, or that they are mistreated because of their race, religion or gender are not just flat out criminals. These criminals are also participants in what amounts to a mass demonstration of disrespect and disregard for the people who have died - literally died - to protect the freedoms these blights on society manipulate to justify their actions.  Do they have any idea how many people have died or are now severely injured or disfigured because they were fighting to ensure you are not discriminated against due to your race, religion or gender? 

If you want to demonstrate, do so; if you have something to say, shout it from the rooftops, but don't insult my heroes by using something as sacred as our freedoms to justify your shameful behavior. 

Memorial Day is May 25th and in honor of all the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms Richards Law Firm, PA is donating 100% of all Trustee fees earned in the month of  May to The Wounded Warrior Project. 

This site is set up for clients and friends who may not need trustee services this month but would like to join me in support of this great organization.

I am setting a lofty goal and hope to exceed it!


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