How the new landlord tenant statute is working in the real world
I recently jumped back into the eviction arena after taking a break from all litigation in order to start my family. I was very hesitant to do so because the last time I filed an eviction in Central Florida it was a very tenant friendly environment where landlords were villainized, tenants’ requirements under the statute were completely ignored and judges threatened attorneys and property managers with contempt of court. It had become an area of practice where my law firm was losing money because tenants knew they could file any old thing and drag out an eviction if there were willing to show up for hearings. When the new landlord tenant statute changed I read it over to compare the old with the new and was totally surprised at the changes. I blogged about some of these changes in an earlier post which you can see here . Even with the landlord friendly changes I was still hesitant, but one of ...