
Showing posts from December, 2015

Top 20 Eviction Questions Answered

1     1.     What reasons do I need to file an eviction? You can file an eviction if a tenant refuses to vacate the premises after the service of a proper notice to the tenant.  Whether or not a notice is “proper” is determined by law and by the lease.  Different types of notices are required depending on the reason for the termination.  For example, a notice that terminates due to the nonpayment of rent is a different notice than a notice based on criminal activity. You must consult the landlord tenant statute found HERE .       2.     How do I begin an eviction? All evictions begin with a proper notice that tells the tenant to vacate the premises.  Once the notice expires, an eviction complaint is filed with the Clerk of the County Court.       3.     Can I evict a tenant who has children? You can evict any tenant who fails to comply with the lease.   ...